Mini Storage

When you require a bit of extra storage space, think about opting for mini storage. At Air base Storage, we offer compact storage solutions designed to keep your space free from clutter.

Common Mini Storage Units

Our mini storage unit measuring 5’ x 5’ (also classified as a small storage locker) is designed to reclaim valuable space for your essentials. Typically around 5 feet wide, 5 feet deep, these lockers offer a practical solution for items like boxes, totes, seasonal decorations, and other smaller belongings that may lack space in your home.

Explore additional details in our Size Guide for a comprehensive overview.


Benefits of Mini Storage

Creating additional space in a home with limited room can be a challenging task. The frustration intensifies when you're merely seeking to make room for smaller, seasonal items. Air base personal mini storage provides a dedicated space for the belongings you want to preserve but don't use regularly.

Skip the trip to the home improvement store—find boxes, tape, and packing supplies conveniently available in our office. Air base customers enjoy:

·       Flexible access hours

·       Appropriately sized storage units

·       Facility features like 24-hour video recording, electronic-gated access, and well-maintained premises

·       Flexible lease terms, including month-to-month options for both temporary and long-term storage needs

Our personal mini storage units cater to those with fewer items, eliminating the need for a full-sized unit. Pay only for the storage space you require.

Mini Storage FAQs

What is Mini Storage?

Mini storage units are compact storage spaces, typically smaller than a 5x5 foot unit, often designed with reduced height. Commonly known as storage lockers, these units lack the spaciousness for walking inside and can be conveniently stacked. Ideal for individuals with smaller items to store, mini storage units allow you to pay only for the storage space you require.

What items can I store in Mini Storage?

 There’re tons of items that are perfect for mini storage, including:

  • Books and board games
  • Sports equipment and uniforms
  • Winter clothing and accessories like jackets, scarves, and gloves
  • Seasonal décor
  • Small kitchen appliances
  • Table lamps 

Do I need Mini Storage?

Mini storage proves ideal for individuals seeking to create room for seasonal decorations, declutter a space, store excess paper goods, manage overstock for a small business, and more. These are items you'll likely need frequent access to, integral to your daily life or business operations. However, they may not warrant a full-sized storage unit, making a smaller storage unit the perfect solution.